Monday, November 22, 2010

~*~ Flowers ~*~

So I was at a mom-to-mom sale a couple of weeks ago and one of the vendors wanted to order a bulk order of my little applique flowers. Which is fine, but yikes has it been time consuming. And I'm not even done yet :p. I have 50 done out of 80. I suppose I could work harder at it but really who wants to spend ALL day making the same flowers over and over again. My fingers are itching to make something different haha. Well here is a sampling of the colours and styles of flowers that I have made.

I still need to make like 20 white ones and then 10 more random colours and what not. It's likely I'll just make more pink ones.

If you are interested in making the six sided flower you can find the pattern here. [ ] I do tend to change the patterns a bit to suit my own needs, for example I cut out the HDC on a lot of my flowers. But following the pattern does make very cute flowers. Now the five sided flowers I got out of my how to crochet book {Crochet by Anne Akers Johnson}. Which by the way is one of the BEST how to crochet books I've ever seen.

So I promise some much more interesting patterns and projects once I'm done all these flowers haha.

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