Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas crochet

Hey everybody,

I know it's been a super long time since I posted :p, and I just started this blog *sigh*. But the month of December brought some real hardships and stress and blogging just didn't seem appropriate at the time. And also, I was making so much Christmas stuff how could I blog about it and put pictures up BEFORE I gave it to somebody! HAHA.

So for my sister-in-law for Christmas I made her a Christmas Cthulhu from the wonderful blog of The pattern is great to follow and the extra bit on the wings really helped me visualize it. It is a great pattern! And here it is, my cute adorable version of a cthulhu!
And the view from the back.

I LOVE it!! I had people who didn't even know what a cthulhu was tell me they wanted one cuz it was so cute and adorable haha. For those who are curious I made the hat myself, I just started from the bottom and just worked up. It was pretty simple.  Well a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!!!


  1. I think you need to post something clarifying what a cthulu is.... just a recommendation. Well done babe!

  2. Hey, I'm so glad you're doing this blog! Are you going to post the amazing Jayne hat you made me? It was one of my favourite Christmas presents. It's very cunning. :)

  3. I keep getting compliments on him sitting on my desk at work, as well as the others you and Yumiko made me. He does need a little help though, he lost a wing and the other is starting to fall off too.

    1. Bring him on over and I can fix him up in a jiffy! :)
