Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cunning Hat

Happy February everybody, haha. It's cold outside and winter hats are some of my favourite things to make! So this blog is going to be about my Jayne hat! It's my very own pattern, and it's super easy. But anyways, this particular hat that I am showcasing with pictures are of my friend Shane. His girlfriend (Sarah) who also happens to be my best friend ordered this hat for him for Christmas. It's become quite the favourite I'm finding lol.
Here he is showing the delightful side view, notice the super long ear flaps lol.

Lol, I quite enjoy the look on his face in this one. I suspect he was trying to make a Jayne face. I think he did a good job, what do you guys think?

I gotta say, this last picture is my favourite one of all! I like how he incorporated a weapon, to make it seem more "Jayneish". If that's even a word ha ha.

Well I hope you all enjoy my version of the Jayne hat, it's my little contribution to the geek world :)


  1. If 'jaynish ' isn't a word, it should be!

  2. I've never seen the show, but I love Shane in this hat! keep the works of art coming Robin! I love this!

  3. haha Grant. Okay I offically dub Janyish an English word.

    Thanks Ruth, I love crocheting! :)

  4. Glad to see you included a creepy picture!

  5. Awesome! :D I always knew Shane would end up in modeling... lol :) (The top pic is really nice :)
