Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So I've been noticing that my current loofa is on its last legs. So I guess I felt it was time to let it go, parting ways with an old dear friend... wait, no it's just a loofa haha. But just to show the evidence as to why I thought it was time to go.

Exhibit A

You'll notice how it's falling apart and loosing some of the structure that allows for a good solid cleaning.

Exhibit B

I mean just look at the "wings" falling out on the side. Shameless.

So all this led me to realize that I need a new loofa. Now being the cheap person that I am I went searching for an affordable, if not super cheap way to replace my loofa. I considered taking one of the Christmas gifts I had for somebody else and keeping it for myself. (yes my loofa has been on its last legs for a while) So while wandering the interwebs I came across this delightful pattern. http://befriendmantic.blogspot.com/2009/06/free-pattern-perfect-loofah.html Who knew you could create your own loofa! So I dug into my wool stash and found some old cotton yarn I'd had for a while. The only colour I had left was a chocolate brown. So I started right away. I thought for sure one small ball would be enough, ha. It's not, by the way, you're gonna need at least two. So when I ran out of brown I thought I would stop by Michael's and buy some more. Do you know they don't have brown cotton wool there :p. So I figured I'd go with another colour. So I picked aqua blue. It actually turned out really well. And here is my finished product.

Exhibit A

I actually kinda like the two tone colour of the loofa. I'm really excited to use it!

Exhibit B

This pattern is SUPER easy. It's just really time consuming and boring. Cuz you literally just put three DC in each stitch and keep going around and around and around... But it does make a neat finished product. Although upon reflection of keeping this a cheap product, I probably could have gone to Dollarama and bought a loofa for the same price that I bought the wool for ahahaha. But then I wouldn't have the satisfaction of making it myself. I haven't used it yet so I have no idea how well this loofa works, but it better work amazing for all the effort I put into it! haha.

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