Friday, March 4, 2011

Baby Shower Gifts

So a couple that I know just adopted a 3 month old baby! She's super cute and we decided to have a baby shower for her. PERFECT opportunity to make some awesome baby crochet stuff!!  So the first thing I made was a little stuffed hippo. And of course it had to be purple :)

So I got the hippo pattern from a book, one of the few books I have of crochet patterns. I'm all about getting free patterns online haha. But anways, this book is called Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters. And it has the most adorable animals in it!! And they are easy to crochet. I totally recommend the book and it's only like $7 Canadian. Good deal.

So anyways, I also made her two headbands and a white hat with a flower on it. Now I forgot to take pictures of the hat and one of the headbands. But at least I did take a picture of the light pink one.

I really like these headbands, and they are SUPER easy to make. So here it is.

You chain 60 stitches. Then you do 1 DC in each stitch. You turn and do 1 DC in each stitch. Then you sew them together. Easy peasy. The flowers, well you can find an easy flower pattern here Then you just sew the flower over top of the seam from the headband. Overall I say it was a successful baby shower gift :)

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