Friday, November 12, 2010

First Blog Post

So I've been reading tons of crochet blogs and I was really inspired to create my own. I've been crocheting for two years and I finally feel like I'm half decent now lol. I am looking forward to showing you my own stuff that I've made and to hook you up with awesome web pages that I've found for crocheting. My favourite thing to make in the whole wide world is hats, cuz I love crocheting in rounds.

For starters this is my wonderful cousin modeling the rat tail hat that I made for him (at his request). The story is that when he was little he had a rat tail (which looking back I think is kinda gross now lol) and he missed his rat tail so much that he wanted it commerated in his hat. haha

Pretty much I made a regular hat and then braided a section and added it to that hat like you would add fringe on a scarf.

Another one of my favourite hats that I made is for my best friend Sarah, she works with children a lot so I figured I'd make her a funky rainbow hat, with a pom pom. [instructions are great from this website]

Because of the type of pattern this wool had I actually found the hat to look better with the wrong side out, but that's just me personally I guess.


  1. Wow, I never hear the rattail story before! This is a wonderful inaugural post, and promises much geeky, yarny fun! I'm looking forward to reading more . . . ya gotta post about the Jayne hat. LOL.

  2. Ironically that will be my next post, once Grant finishes getting the perfect picture of him in the hat prepared haha

  3. *obligatory comment to prove I support my wife*
