Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Course Two Final Cake

So I realized I never showed off my course two cake! Crazy! I made this cake for my sister-in-law Yumiko's mom. She came down for a visit from Japan and I wanted to send her off with a homemade cake :).

For once I used white icing haha. Sadly it was warm out so it started falling a bit :p. But doing the basketweave is really easy and it looks pretty amazing! I made pink primroes and blue violets. (yes I get that I made BLUE violets, I just had the colour on hand and didn't want to make any more).  It is topped with a shell border on the top and bottom. And finally light green leaves and vines. I was told it was very tasty (I didn't actually eat any lol). I really liked this cake :).

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