Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Hats

Wow, it's been a while since my last post... sorry. And my new post is about hats again lol. Well life sometimes gets in the way of things that I enjoy. And I had to get a new computer thrown in as well. Anyways, my sister had a baby boy and I made him a cute little blue newsboy type hat. Very adorable. Sadly I don't think it fit him for very long, the crappy part about making a hat for a newborn. Well anyways here it is. I pretty much just made a basic hat and then added a brim. For something different I thought hey why not add buttons. I have a whole pile of buttons from back when I was in college. (I was taking EA-SNS and we used buttons for counters in a class project, but bunny trail aside) So I let my sister pick the buttons and I think it turned out really well with the buttons on the side. I might start doing more hats like that.

So the next baby hat I made is for my dear friend Cody. She and her husband are big Firefly fans and I knew they were gonna have a baby girl. So I though hey why not make her a baby Jayne hat. For a girl. Now I'm still waiting on pictures from Cody of her darling baby girl wearing them, but for now these will do.

So this hat was super easy to make. And to make it more girly I thought, hey why not add a flower. I couldn't believe how much extra the flower adds to the hat. I'm thinking of maybe making hats for adult women with the flower in it, as kind of an extra femmine touch.

Well that's it for now, but I'm working on a bag. Hopefully this one turns out. I've discovered that crochet bags are like kryptonite for me, I just can't make them. All I make are fail bags :p. But I have high hopes for this one as I want to start mass producing them and using them as part of Christmas presents. (and yes I know it's only July but if you START making stuff now you'll be finished before December and then you aren't stressed out trying to finish everything before Christmas)

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